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Making It Big in Japan’s Gaming Industry

Making it Big in Japan's Gaming Industry

Many Western social and gaming companies are trying to break in to Japan’s massive market. The challenge that comes with entering this market is huge. Those who have tried and failed (think Microsoft Xbox!) can attest that this market is quite resistant to foreign invasion, especially if poorly-planned.

While the rest of the world is going crazy over this social media platform, the Japanese have developed their own social and gaming media. The localized context of their games is much more attractive to gamers, as well as the nature of using aliases instead of their real names.

Foreign companies wishing to make it big in the Japanese social gaming scene must consider several factors. Topping this list is the current culture of Japanese when it comes to accessing their favorite games. The most effective approach is by going mobile, as mobile phone companies include games in their mobile phone payment plans! Giving your games a local feel to adapt to Japanese culture while being accessed on mobile phones is your biggest task in order to lure Japanese consumers.

The multi-billion dollar gaming industry in Japan hit its peak when social games featured monetization techniques where the gamer could purchase virtual goods embedded in the game. However, a recent controversy has sprung up over the legality of such a money-making technique. Anyone wanting to enter the local market has to understand the nature and effects of using this gacha approach in their games before deciding whether or not to include it.

Perhaps a good strategy is for free games to be downloaded either from computers or mobile phones. You could start by offering free trials for social game applications and then sell the game for an minimal fee. Advertisements placed in games could rack up further profit. You could also offer a premium content fee, often used in Japan.

Choosing what type of social game to develop for the Japanese market is also crucial. There is a need to study and understand the kind of games that Japanese enjoy and patronize. Most of these games involve puzzles, cards or role-playing. If lost, you can do what others have tried: tie up with a Japanese developer who knows how to make that game relevant to the local market. Another option is merging with successful game makers in Japan to promote your game. One example is GMO Cloud America – whose mother company is based in Japan. Alongside their cloud service, they can also provide expert advice and assistance on Japan market entry. View their Game Server configuration example and see the recommended setup for cloud servers.

No matter what your tactic is, entering the gaming industry in Japan entails a huge undertaking. It is not a simple market to penetrate but once you know which routes to take based on research and marketing strategies, you can reap huge benefits.


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About the Guest Author:

Rodolfo Lentejas, Jr.Rodolfo Lentejas, Jr. is a fulltime freelance writer based in Toronto. He is the founder of the PostSckrippt, a growing online writing business dedicated to producing top quality, original and fresh content. To know more about him, please visit Like him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

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