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Cloud Computing: Changes in Japan’s Advertising Methods

Cloud Computing and the Changes in Japan's Advertising Methods

Businesses in Japan are gradually veering away from traditional methods of advertising, switching to inexpensive and widely-broadcast digital methods. Internet has been regarded as the chief beneficiary of this switch when compared to other means of digital advertising.

In a report published by Dentsu (2009) and shown below, the amount spent on advertising by traditional media is said to have dwindled by 14.3%, alongside a corresponding increase in the spending on Internet advertising. And this trend seems to have been upswinging since then. Now, Japanese businesses are expanding Internet advertising because of comparative advantage and cost efficiency.

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in Japan, mobile advertising appears to have grown more than Internet advertising lately. However, more people will surely turn to Internet as Japanese consumers now rely on Internet search engines to find goods or services they are interested in purchasing.

Apart from being cost-efficient, Internet advertising offers broader reach, with search engine advertising seeming to do best. Internet advertising enjoys higher production rate when compared with traditional advertising, meaning ads can hit the market faster.

With Internet advertising in Japan projected to increase, there is an accompanying requirement for proper data storage, flexible access to digital content, and smooth retrieval procedure. This is where cloud computing comes in; it is an indispensable technology that must be adopted for optimum performance and quick business operation. Adopting cloud computing will help businesses solve problems of sudden data overcrowding that cause servers to crash. Cloud technology will guarantee perpetual business activities.

In Japanese business circles, building business trust is a non-negotiable aspect of business practices. And the best approach for building trust is to provide uninterrupted supply of goods and services that consumers will grow to like and constantly request for. Cloud computing will help this.

There is no doubt that the Internet will assist business owners in Japan to personalize their ads. This is almost impossible in traditional models where advertisers follow rigid procedures in formatting and publication.

Cloud computing has the power to attract more customers due to its wide distribution power, and can also help businesses to retain customer loyalty through delivery of timely, efficient and reliable services. Interestingly enough, unbending loyalty is one of the rare attributes of Japanese customers that many service providers in other countries truly admire.

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About the Guest Author:

Jerry Olasakinju

Jerry Olasakinju, a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree holder, is a passionate researcher and writer whose interest in everything computing is unparalleled. He blogs about his literary works at

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