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Increasing Demand for Cloud Computing in Asia

Increasing Demand for Cloud Computing in Asia

Countries in Asia are gearing up to maximize the benefits of cloud computing in diverse ways. This is in part due to the increasing demand for internet security and better IT services by corporate and governmental bodies. This unprecedented demand is motivating them to move computing activities to the cloud for safety, cost-efficiency and flexibility. This change in the trend of IT infrastructure management is expected to give Asia a head-start in the race to adopt cloud technology for optimal performance.

Companies that provide cloud computing and related IT solutions are seeing a significant increase in income as the number of their active clients balloons. This is healthy for cloud computing in Asia as corporations embrace the new and improved methods of managing IT infrastructure. The current trend in cloud computing only emphasizes the persistent hunger for all technologies that are functional and helpful in maximizing profitability.

Here are some of the sterling merits of adopting cloud computing:

  • Optimum performance
  • Higher profitability
  • Cost-efficiency
  • Flexibility and scalability

Asian companies can save on the cost of managing their IT/ICT structures by completely moving their infrastructure to the cloud. They are no longer required to recruit, train and maintain a large size of IT personnel. More and more Asian companies are exploring this unique opportunity to reduce their overhead IT expenses, diverting savings to other – more pressing – areas.

With cloud computing, companies enjoy unprecedented flexibility to operate efficiently according to their corporate goals and objectives. They can scale IT requirements periodically based on their needs at a particular point in time. This action makes it possible for companies to concentrate on the main administrative parts of their business activity, leaving the technical/IT section to external or public cloud service providers who guarantee safety and data protection.

Findings have shown that moving one’s IT structure to the cloud enhances performance. Apart from the guarantee that data and other important information will be immediately accessible, cloud technology also encourages specialization, whereby a company can concentrate on its statutory responsibility of producing goods and services for clients without experiencing interruption due to cloud computing guarantees.

Being cost-efficient and performance-boosting, cloud technology is capable of helping Asian companies achieve an unprecedented level of profitability. Specifically, these companies save plenty of money in reducing their overhead expenses on IT installation and maintenance in their respective operations. Undoubtedly, better performance can also lead to the production of great services/products that consumers will be happy to spend their hard-earned money on.

Asian companies take up the challenge to explore cloud computing by still being able to operate optimally. Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and China are pioneers in this process. Malaysia, for instance, is providing robust governmental support as the country keeps an open-door policy for foreign IT services providers to migrate their operations into the country.

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About the Guest Author:

Jerry Olasakinju

Jerry Olasakinju, a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree holder, is a passionate researcher and writer whose interest in everything computing is unparalleled. He blogs about his literary works at

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