Cloud News & Insights

How Cloud Computing Has Been Revolutionizing Companies’ IT/ICT Systems

How Cloud Computing Has Been Revolutionizing Companies ITICT Systems

IT/ICT systems are constantly changing with technological improvements, and the invention of cloud computing may bring about the biggest changes yet. Some of these changes can be reflected in faster and more secure operational procedures, cost-efficiency, easier IT administration and flexible IT maintenance processes.

An in-house IT structure ensures that data generation, processing and transmission are properly coordinated. In other words, vital pieces of information obtained during business activities are methodically processed and securely stored for future retrieval and usage.

However, the most common problems the majority of companies face include loss of data, dealing with unexpected volume increases and inflexibility of data retrieval. Incidentally, cloud computing is designed to help companies decisively deal with these issues. Once adopted, cloud technology can systematically prevent data loss, guarantee flexibility and scalability of the companies’ storage facilities, and subsequently facilitate the process of data retrieval.

The revolution engendered by cloud specifically brings about efficient administration of each company’s operations. Communication and information sharing among all stakeholders will become faster and well-articulated, leading to better performance and accountability from cloud-adopting companies.

Companies can now finally reduce in-house IT staff and make significant inroads into total operating costs. By transferring most computing jobs to the public cloud, their IT services can be managed by cloud technology providers, either remotely or in-house.

Company managers should also ask: will cloud computing deliver higher performance? Will it increase overall profitability? As explained above, cloud technology not only encourages smooth running of businesses, it also protects data and other vital information generated in the course of business.

In the same way, when a company’s operations are undisturbed even in times of natural disasters, there is every likelihood of increased profitability. In some cases, companies may decide to completely outsource their cloud computing services, allowing themselves to concentrate mainly on the administrative – and profit-making – aspect of business operations.

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About the Guest Author:

Jerry Olasakinju

Jerry Olasakinju, a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree holder, is a passionate researcher and writer whose interest in everything computing is unparalleled. He blogs about his literary works at

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