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Cloud-Based Video Editing

Cloud-Based Video Editing

It is rather baffling for any business enterprise to say they have no cloud-based strategy for business models. For professionals engaged in video editing, a cloud-based strategy is quite an asset. Moving physical video data onto different computers, editing, storage costs and transit time make traditional video editing processes burdensome. The story is different in cloud-based video editing software.

The benefits mainly include ease of access to source video files anywhere on the planet via internet. There is no need to install the necessary software tools on all computers worked on as cloud computing offers the Software as a Service option, utilizing software tools to perform necessary video editing. Even if multiple personnel are to access the video at various stages of editing, all necessary software tools can be uploaded into the cloud and made available to each person.

Potential glitches of professional video editing via cloud can be prevented by timely planning and reliable resources.

Upload speeds: There is a major need for the source video file to be uploaded into the cloud-based editing platform. Video files created by professional cameras and codecs often have huge sizes and hence a highly powerful internet connection with tremendous upload speed and bandwidth is required.

Unreliable internet connection: If your ISP provides you with oft-disrupted net connectivity, your business model could be severely affected.

Price of storage: Since video files need larger space on the cloud, storage prices need to be very flexible or else you may have to periodically reduce the scale of business to accommodate a limited number of video files.

If these issues are carefully considered, cloud computing IS a feasible model for video editing. It IS possible to edit raw footage shot in India at studios in the USA without difficulty. And professional editing staff can work on the video from anywhere.

Not only that, cloud computing can provide a collaboration platform for video editing professionals to review work and hence improve on productivity. For movie studios, cloud computing provides a way to screen movies at different locations to obtain input from various sources. This is critical in the creation of the final movie video.

Movie distribution via the cloud is also a phenomenal way to cut costs. The ability to stream videos on multiple channels and integrate these with mobile cameras, handy cams and professional cameras is also possible.

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About the Guest Author:

Mandira Srivastava

Mandira Srivastava is a fulltime freelance writer who specializes in technology, health and fitness, politics, and financial writing. Equipped with degree of mass communication and having worked for both private and corporate clients, I have experience meeting a wide range of writing requirements and styles.

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