Cloud News & Insights

Versatile Smart Phones

Versatile Smart PhonesApple and Android are the top preferred smart phones in Japan. In a survey conducted in June 2012, Android was said to cover 53 percent of the market, Apple iOS had a significant 32 percent share while Microsoft got just 3.2 percent.

There had been a whopping 43% surge in Japan’s smart phone user numbers since the beginning of 2012, bringing the total to 24 million (23 percent of the overall mobile population). Aggressive sales campaigns from major retailers were largely responsible. The favorite among smart phone brands is Sharp with 22.5 percent, followed by Panasonic (13.6), Fujitsu (11.8), NEC (8.9) and Sony (7.9). Phones are primarily used for texting, mobile emails, games and novels – voice calls were very low priority.

No Voice Calls in Public Places

In Japan, train commuters are constantly reminded to switch their phone to silent mode. When their phone accidentally rings, they may answer it, but will oft immediately end the call.

Smart Phone Novels

Apart from calling and texting, users also read novels from their smart phones. Known as “keitai shosetsu” the stories are sent to users like a text message. The chapters usually have 70-100 words and are written by young authors who hide under pen names. The romantic fiction can be downloaded in installment form – often for a fee. For those who desire a more conventional format, Amazon Kindle applications allow for entire ebooks to be downloaded to smartphones.

Smartphone Games

Females in Japan spend up to several hours a day (especially when commuting) browsing the Internet on Smartphones. They also look up train schedules, buy tickets, check apartments for rent, make bank account cash transfers, trade stocks, check horoscopes… and more! Some girls even go to restrooms to update their Facebook status about a date, movie or concert. Artists use smart phones as storage for random ideas.

The Japanese are fond of playing games on their phones. Unlike typical arcade games, which give full cinematic experience, phone games are very simple, yet popular. Games are primarily free, but cost money once players wish to ascend the levels. Die-hard gamers may spend $600 dollars a month for games.

This form of entertainment is a big hit because players can have fun with utmost anonymity. They actually take on a new character and turn into a completely different person. Serious businessman can re-establish contact with their lost youth, act like kids, and meet new friends while playing.

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About the Guest Author:

Rodolfo Lentejas, Jr

Rodolfo Lentejas, Jr. is a fulltime freelance writer based in Toronto. He is the founder of the PostSckrippt, a growing online writing business dedicated to producing top quality, original and fresh content. To know more about him, please visit Like him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

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