Network Based E-learning Market is Moving Towards the Cloud

From the time Compaq originally coined the term ‘Cloud Computing’, this new technology has been creating a lot of hype. Several industries have experienced revolutionary growth by implementing cloud-based technologies. However, the niche e-learning market is a relatively new entrant into cloud computing.
But after a relatively late start it is rapidly moving ahead. According to a recent survey conducted by Yana Economic Research Institute on the e-learning market in Japan, network based e-learning has experienced 1.8% growth in 2012.
It is interesting to note that e-learning using smartphones within the B2B segment has increased by 33.3%. In the B2C segment, the growth rate is 18.4%. E-learning in the B2B segment using tablets has increased by 100%. The B2C segment has experienced a rise of 50%. On the other hand, the non-network learning market has seen a decline of 5% in 2012.
Looking at these figures, it is evident that the network based e-learning market in Japan is increasing rapidly. One of the main reasons for this sudden shift is the introduction of cloud computing technology to the industry. The availability of high end technology augmented by huge storage resources and scalable features enabled the e-learning industry to leverage resources and offer quality services to customers.
What does the cloud offer the e-learning industry?
The ever-growing benefits of cloud-based services make it inevitable most industries will shift to the cloud. E-learning is no exception. Here are some of the striking features offered by the cloud computing technology that have revolutionized the teaching segment.
Highly intuitive teaching materials
Modern cloud technology has largely digitalized education. The network based e-learning industry enjoys the flexibility of creating highly intuitive presentations, teaching materials, guides, and lesson plans. Cutting-edge technology available via the cloud enables the teacher to create interactive courses, augmented by live audio/video streaming, delivering concepts and skills effectively and efficiently.
In addition, instructors have the luxury of using the technology to assess and evaluate the performance of their students. Technology assists teachers in creating motivational lessons and in assessing student learning faster and with better accuracy.
Increased revenue for tutors and savings for students
Looking at the statistics provided by the Yana Economic Research Institute, it is evident that traditional teachers are greatly impacted by online teaching methods. By opting for cloud-based teaching, online tutors can even create a network of students across the globe. The increased student base creates additional revenue for online tutors, but at the same time it benefits students too. For instance, a student who pays $100 to learn piano from a conventional class now spends $30 to listen to piano classes online. This is a win-win situation for tutors as well as students.
The mobility factor
Cloud-based services allow users to store all files on a secure server. While storage solutions offer quick and secure access of data, another striking advantage is the mobility factor. By storing teaching materials in the cloud, tutors can take classes even while traveling. At the same time, students have the flexibility to attend classes from anywhere. With smartphones dominating mobile technology, the e-learning segment can reap huge benefits from this new portability.
The bottom line is that cloud technology enables maximum storage and scalability resources with little to no limitations. Read more about autoscaling, storage capabilities and other useful cloud features in GMO Cloud’s High Availability page and find out why cloud technology is the more logical choice in the e-learning industry.
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About the Guest Author:
Kaushik Das is an engineer, research analyst and a technical writer in the areas wireless, IT, enterprise software, next-generation hosting, storage and renewable energy. He specializes in competitive analysis, market research, industry insights, white paper and actionable web content development.