This Week in the Cloud [13-04-07]

In case you missed it, here are a few notable stories posted on our GMO Cloud blog this past week, highlighting a few topics we focus on here at GMO Cloud. As always, you can follow us on Twitter or Facebook, or sign up for our newsletter updates here.
Commercial Cloud Storage for Everyday Consumers
A quiet revolution in data storage has occurred in recent years, with consumers all around the world enthusiastically adopting cloud storage services for their daily needs. This year seems to be a pivotal year in this …
How Cloud Computing is Changing Research Methods
How has cloud computing changed the lives of researchers and scholars? This is an interesting subject, and I’ve come across some interesting findings on the matter. The cloud has impacted research in several ways, but …
The Demand for Cloud Computing in the Asian Market
Various companies in Asia have turned to cloud computing as a way of relieving their IT expenses and avoiding costly investments in infrastructure. While regulation in many parts of the region is still a concern, cloud …
Has Server Administration Become Redundant in a Cloud Environment?
Is a server administrator really required in these days of Iaas? This is an important question to answer when considering cloud based infrastructure. Let’s assume that an online business requires a single dedicated server …
How Does the Cloud Help Businesses Successfully Adopt BYOD Programs?
Changing economic conditions and increasing business infrastructure needs have made it critical for businesses to create optimized IT solutions. With that in mind, ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) is a new buzz term in IT …