Love and Dating in the Cloud: Online Dating

Love and dating used to be a personal affair, but no longer. Dating has come out of the closet and into the open. The world has changed and so has romance. Ironically, it is technology which has led to a transformation in the way we love and live – sometimes ‘til death do us part. I can go on and on singing peons on love but I have to remind myself that this post is about how cloud has enabled new ways to conduct our love lives.
What’s cloud got to do with dating?
Actually dating and cloud are well matched or you may call it made for each other. I am talking from the dating provider point of view. Dating sites are mushrooming and entrepreneurs are creating new ways to date. As a rule, dating sites start small and grow as time passes. This means that dating site owners must find a flexible process which will enable them to grow as well as find ways to conserve their budget. Cloud technology is therefore ideal for such entrepreneurs. You can start with a single server instance and keep on adding as the traffic increases.
Dating sites are bandwidth-intensive
If you look at a good online dating site, you will find that it provides all kinds of facilities like video and audio chat, photo upload and even music sharing. All these activities gobble up bandwidth. This slows down the website speed unless you are extremely careful. Remember that dating guys and the gals are an impatient lot. If they find that your dating website is awfully slow, they will immediately switch to a rival site. You don’t want to lose customers, do you?
I had discussed some time back about server load and download speed. There is a correlation between the two. As your server reaches its peak load, the performance diminishes. The only solution is to load your servers optimally. Some experts suggest that seventy percent load is ideal. Some give a little more leeway. When you adopt cloud technology, you can always decide on the capacity of a server after which another server instance is automatically triggered. This ensures that your website performs to the satisfaction of your customers.
There is another point I wish to make here. Once you have a dating customer, you are actually acquiring several more. Also, once they are dating actively on your site, they cannot switch to another – retention is therefore guaranteed if you give adequate service. The cloud technology gives you an edge in this aspect.
How to choose a dating partner in the cloud?
It’s obvious. Your cloud service provider must give your site access to high bandwidth which can sustain video and audio chat along with other attractions. Make sure that you go with someone who will hold your hand while you transition from a small site to a fully mature dating portal. I would personally recommend that you talk to a small cloud service provider who has their own infrastructure – not a franchisee. You not only need luck in love but also how you find it. A cloud is a nice place to cozy up.
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About the Guest Author:
Sankarambadi Srinivasan, ‘Srini’, is a maverick writer, technopreneur, geek and online marketing enthusiast rolled into one. He began his career as a Naval weapon specialist. Later, he sold his maiden venture and became head of an offshore Database administration company in Mumbai. He moved on as Chief Technology Officer of one of the largest online entities, where he led consolidation of 300 online servers and introduced several Web 2.0 initiatives. He holds a Master’s degree in Electronics and Telecommunication.