Cloud News & Insights

Cloud Development and Operations Need to Be Aligned

Cloud development and operationsA study conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value concluded that 90% of organizations intend to or are already using cloud-based services in their strategies to:

  • Optimize growth
  • Improve agility
  • Drive better customer relationships
  • Increase revenue

With the growing volume of businesses having these objectives in mind, there is a concern on the division that is being created between development and operations.

An article in Cloud Times talks about this mater and how companies can bridge this anticipated gap.

Cloud technology improves many business aspects but it is also essential that this technology is properly synced with operations. Visit Cloud Times to read the full article.


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Friday Cloud News Roundup


Cloud Computing: From Business To Sustainability

Learn from business executives as they share their experiences in making crucial business decisions at the Second Annual Business of Cloud Computing in Dallas Texas on May 21-22.

Aside from giving an in-depth analysis on the crucial aspects of the cloud like security, governance and interoperability, the conference will also tackle:

  • How leading companies are addressing cloud challenges
  • What cloud models are effective for businesses
  • How IT departments have adapted to cloud computing

Visit Opal Events to register, see the full agenda and details of the conference.

Monte Jade Science and Technology Association Conference

The Monte Jade Science and Technology Association is composed of a group of Chinese-American high-tech
experts in Silicon Valley.

The group is known to have help many seminars and conferences that help keep the community updated on the
latest technology trends.

On May 20, they will be holding their annual conference at the Sta. Clara Convention Center entitled, “Unlocking the Potential of the Interlocked World”. This year’s conference will focus on:

  • Social media
  • Latest trends in cloud computing
  • High tech litigation

… which are considered the three most current issues in technology.

View more details on this conference and register at Cupertino Patch.

NIST’s Cloud Computing Forum and Workshop

This year’s NIST-hosted Cloud Computing Forum and Workshop will be held on June 5-7 in Washington. Sessions will be reviewing the development of the Priority Action Plans (PAPs) for each of the 10 high priority requirements pertinent to interoperability, portability and security.

The event will be attended by executives from Europe, Asia and North America. These key people will talk about their perspectives on cloud computing’s potential to transform cloud services.

NIST continues to fulfill its objectives to lead efforts to develop standards and guidelines for cloud computing.

Visit the NIST page to view the full details of this conference and find out the other panels in this event.

Third Annual Technology Innovation Conference

The recently concluded Technology Innovation Conference in Dayton was attended by more than 60 CIO’s and IT directors from local companies and institutions.

Speakers from Sogeti, HP Vertica and the Chicago Business Intelligence Group were also present. Some of the topics included were:

  • Facebook investing
  • Cloud computing
  • Social media for business

Read more updates from the even, visit the Chicago Tribune and see the other key people present during the event.

IDC Study Shows Cloud to Generate Workforce

An IDC report shows that cloud technology will be helping in generating global business revenues up to $1.1 Trillion as written in an article in The New Economy.

Some details in the report includes how cloud technology is seen to promote employment growth in both the private and public sectors.

Read the full article in The New Economy and find out the breakdown on the projected revenues from each sector worldwide.

Linux Foundation’s Cloud Open

A release in Network World announced the confirmation of Linux Foundation’s open source cloud conference in August.

The event entitled, “Cloud Open” will include discussions on:

  • Hadoop
  • Gluster
  • KVM

According to Amanda Mcpherson, VP of Marketing and Developer services for the foundation, Linux, open source software and collaborative development are the foundations of the cloud.

This symposium is deemed to provide a vendor-neutral forum where those who accept “open works” can further advance the cloud industry.

Visit Network World to read the full article and see other relevant details of the event including high profile participants.


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Open Cloud Taps Into the Bio-Science Community

GenomeSpace LogoThe Human Genome Project (HGP) that was completed in 2003 has opened up important discoveries in the world of science, including the search for the cure for cancer. This was an emphasis made by Jill Mesirov, Director and Chief Informatics Officer at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, during her keynote speech at the Bio-IT World Conference last April 24.

An article in Internet Evolution summarizes her speech as the need for technology was repeatedly stressed. Technology plays a key role in the field of bio-medicine that as there is progress in medical science, work flows and algorithms become more complex; hence, there is greater demand for computing power.

One of the solutions that Mesirov pointed out was Genome Space – a cloud-based open source data management center for bio informatics tools. This solution allows:

  • Easy accessibility
  • Easy conversion
  • Frictionless sharing

In short, Genome Space is believed to address Broad Institute’s objective “to make the newest bio informatics tools and most modern data management and identification methods available to any working biologist”.

Read the full article at Internet Evolution and see how this cloud-based technology is perceived to be a solution that can address the current challenges in the bio-science field.


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Improved Cloud Security Solution

SecuritySecurity has caught up with the development of cloud technology. A release in Midsize Insider reports that three of the most popular security solution service providers:

  • Lynux Works, Inc.
  • Trans Lattice
  • Fritz Technologies Corporation

have collaborated to form S.E.C.U.R.E.: Secure Enterprise Cross Domain Unified Resilient Environment. This solution was created for the government; needless to say that the quality of this whole collaboration holds military standard security

This is not, however, limited to government use. Companies that fall under shipping, logistics or the financial sectors may very well make used of the kind of service that SECURE offers.

Visit Midsize Insider to read the full release and find out more about SECURE.


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Before You Choose a Cloud Solution for Your Business…

Basic Cloud ConceptsWith all the build-up and complexities of cloud computing and its adoption into organizations’ systems and processes, Bill ODell writes an article in Sys-Con that brings readers back to basics.

Given that the implementation of cloud technology can greatly improve the critical parts of a business in terms of growth and scalability, the most important step is being able to first understand the actual technology that cloud delivers.

The article emphasizes that businesses need to know what the basic concepts of the cloud mean. ODell adds that there is no special formula for a successful move to the cloud, instead, business owners need to assess if moving to the cloud:

  • Makes sense for the company
  • Gives the company a competitive advantage
  • Maps well to the business processes

Visit this article in Sys-Con and read the simple, no-frill write-up explaining the fundamentals of cloud computing.


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