Cloud News & Insights

Cloud ManagementTools for SAP

Cloud ManagementIf you are like many businesses, you have used SAP as part of your data centers for quite a few years and have gotten comfortable with this vital part of your business being right nearby. But with so many businesses looking at moving that part of the business to virtual servers in the cloud, this means you will need to look at ways to move your SAP solution, as well.

Luckily, SAP has developed a series of cloud management tools that will allow a transition from your data centers into the cloud much easier to accomplish. IT BusinessEdge takes a look at these tools, with links to applications and explanations of what to expect.

Be sure the read more here for the complete rundown on how you can migrate your SAP from the database system you have in house now to your virtual servers in the cloud.


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Are SMBs moving slower on adapting Virtualization for business?

Recently Information Week took a look at how small and medium business (SMBs) are adapting to the cloud through a survey done by Symantec, an internet security firm that specializes in cloud security. Although they found that basic cloud computing services have been adapted by a large number of SMBs, virtualization is still seen as primarily the purview of larger enterprise companies.

The major points discovered in the Small Business Virtualization Poll of 658 small and medium sized businesses across 28 countries were:

  • SMBs embrace cloud computing but are still struggling to adapt virtualization
  • SMBs understand the virtues of virtualization but see security as a remaining issue
  • Many SMBs still don’t backup their servers because they lack staff or knowledge

For more information on how your SMB can improve its security in the clouds and a link to a checklist to help you implement and maintain cloud computing security measures, please continue reading here.

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Could Mobility and not Cost be the Driver for the Cloud in Business?

Business DriversRick Blaisdell often has some interesting observations to make about business in the cloud. This post is no exception as he takes a look at a recent report from CSC, a leading business solution company, about why companies choose to move some of their business to cloud computing.

In this article he makes several statements that show how business is evolving, and why technology may be the solution but human behavior seems to be the driver. Here are a couple of the pathways that Rick discusses, along with giving us links to some interesting comments and articles that back up his thinking:

  1. Accessibility, not cost drives the move to the cloud
  2. The time for the Desktop PC in business is passing
  3. The move to mobility applies to individuals and businesses alike

For a look at Rick’s thinking, and where he sees business going in the future when it comes to the cloud, be sure to read more.


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Friday Cloud News Roundup

GMO Cloud News Roundup



UpFront with Piston Cloud CEO
Joshua McKinty has been on the forefront of cloud technology for several years now, including his involvement with the creation of OpenStack. Now he has a new venture, Piston Cloud, and he spent a bit of time recently with Vator News to talk about the direction that he sees for both cloud technology and his new Piston Cloud, including where it can be leading that move.


Cloud Computing Adaption Increasing
With the recession pushing business to look for cost cutting, more businesses then ever have been looking at cloud computing as a solution. According to the latest reports from, the trend towards cloud computing will only grow in the coming year as the need for IT support of mobile services makes cloud technology the perfect solution.


PersonalWeb Sues for Patent Infringement
The owner of a company that owns several patents relating to storage and cloud computing have initiated a lawsuit against nine of the leading data storage businesses, alleging infringement of their patents. PersonalWeb named eight patents that were violated by all of the nine companies and is looking for unspecified damages, costs, and royalties related to the patents. Among the companies named were Amazon, NEC and YouTube.


71% of Healthcare Providers Considering Cloud Adaption
In a recent report by healthcare research firm KLAS, healthcare providers are beginning to turn to the cloud in large numbers, even if that move is not as likely to be to public clouds such as Amazon. Although patient data security and data control were still cited as major concerns, many healthcare providers are looking at private clouds as the way to secure their records above the levels achieved at their own onsite data centers.


Federal Government Adopts Cloud Security Rules
The Federal Government just announced the development of the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). This program will offer to any business considering doing cloud business with government agencies a standard approach and set of guidelines for cloud security assessments. This will aid the private sector to market cloud products to these agencies as the government begins its migration to the cloud.


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Moving Cloud Servers into Education

Education in the CloudWhile we often focus on the ways that business, especially SMBs can benefit from a move to cloud server based operations, educational centers are poised to make a move to the cloud as well. Cloud technology blog CloudTweaks takes a look at how the world of education, at all levels, can benefit from the latest cloud servers technology.

In this concise look at how cloud servers can solve many of today’s problems in the classroom the author identifies various areas where the application of cloud servers to the current technology can make classrooms more efficient learning environments. Here are just a couple examples of how the author sees the education system moving to the clouds:

  1. Staff – Using a cloud server based distributed management system to balance staff workloads across entire school systems.
  2. Teachers – Setting up virtual classrooms to handle smaller class loads or expand when teachers are at a premium.
  3. Students – Use cloud based learning for homework that would allow students to collaborate with a large range of fellow learners.
  4. Applications – In colleges and universities, allow students to have access to complex technical applications previously only available to high end Universities through a shared system of cloud servers.

For a look at how both public school systems and higher education centers can use cloud servers and cloud technology to give greater access to a larger range of students, read the full story at CloudTweaks.

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