Cloud computing in higher education is used more often that it is realized. An article in Sys-Con shares more reasons why cloud is a technology that this industry can leverage on to have advancement opportunities without having to worry about costs.... more
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is envisioned by Open Networking Foundation (ONF) to become the new norm for networks through the OpenFlow protocol. An article talks about this new disruptive approach and offers insights on how it will affect the tech industry.... more
Security in cloud deployment is often treated as an afterthought; this should no longer be the case as cloud offers some unique risks and there are steps that can be taken to prevent or manage these risks.... more
Small to medium-sized businesses now have disaster preparedness in mind in adopting technology particularly cloud computing and virtualization. Results of a disaster preparedness survey concludes this inference as 2,053 organizations with an employee range of 5-250 are interviewed and asked about th... more
Cloud Computing News Highlights: Cloud Slam 2012, Interop Key Takeaways, Cloud Applications Deep Dive Report, The Imp, Apps for Cloud Administration, Facebook IPO... more